Women, Gender & Social Justice
“Though no one can go back to make a new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending”.
What is Women Gender & Social Justice?
Women, Gender & Social Justice is a feminist based third level programme which aims to develop students’ communication, study, writing and analytical skills, enhancing their self-esteem and intellectual confidence. It will introduce students to the study of history, literature, art, film, sociology, psychology, philosophy and politics and much more. The course is designed to build on participants’ existing education and training to strengthen and diversify their employment opportunities. The Women, Gender & Social Justice Outreach Programme also provides a progression route to women wishing to continue within third level education and facilitate students’ participation in civil society and public life.
What qualification will I receive when I finish?
The UCD Women's Studies Outreach Programme is widely recognised in the state and voluntary sectors as an innovative model of community and adult education for women. Offering accreditation at Certificate and Diploma Levels (NQF Level 7) this outreach programme has contributed to the development of an innovative model of University/Community Partnership that is acknowledged as optimal for engaging the most educationally excluded and economically disadvantaged.
Will I be able for it?
As this is a third level course participants will be required to submit written work to the University, a basic knowledge of computers would be helpful but not essential. The Loreto Centre and tutors will provide support to participants if necessary. It is our experience that 99% of participants do complete the course.
What will be expected of me?
Attendance is a requirement (90%).There will be a combination of online and face-to face teaching.
A minimum of 2 Intensive Saturday teaching session on campus in UCD will be time-tabled from 10.00am-4.00pm.
Weekly lectures online, 6 in total for 1.5 hours.
Face to face community based tutorials, 3 in total from 10.00am-12.00pm.
Module Readings and Session Participation: students are expected to read the required reading for session each week and to participate in session discussions. This required reading for each session will form the basis of the session. Required readings will be distributed one week in advance to students by the lecturer. Each reading will have a set of prompt questions to guide the learner and to maximise engagement. Respect and Confidentiality Undertaking any programme in Women’s Studies may raise many personal and political questions for students and can also generate very strong views about these topics from within the student group. Students are expected to participate with their fellow session mates in each session in a spirit of openness, respect, shared learning and confidentiality. Referral mechanisms are available within the centre should students feel the need to speak with someone outside the context of our learning environment.
How long does the course run for and how many days & hours a week do I need to attend?
The Course runs for approximately 12 months. You are required to attend one morning a week either face to face or online (Tuesday morning 10am-12.30pm). There are 4 modules in the course each of which run for 10 weeks.
What progression routes are available to me on finishing the course?
The School of Social Justice recognises the importance of a range of progression possibilities for students. Research with the first 275 Certificate graduates of Women’s Studies Outreach, published in 2003, showed that:
43% had progressed to undergraduate programmes
12% had progressed to postgraduate studies.
There are currently two formally recognised internal progression pathways in UCD:
BA Programme UCD Campus Level 8 (180 Credits)
WS University Diploma, Women, Gender, Social Justice Level 7 Outreach (60 Credits)
Progression pathway onto the Bachelor of Arts (BA) in UCD: This new progression route has been charted, involving progression via direct-entry into stage 1 of the Bachelor of Arts (BA) Programme in UCD on either a full or part-time basis. These students apply through the CAO process on mature grounds. It is important to note that these students do NOT have to sit the MSAP exam. In addition, a formal system of credit transfer from the Certificate to the BA programme has been negotiated and formally approved within the various University structures (up to 20 credits applicable to Stage 1). The first Women’s Studies Outreach students were formally offered places which they took up in September 2011. Initial dialogue to develop a similar pathway within the Bachelor of Social Sciences Programme was unsuccessful.
2. Progression from the Women’s Studies Certificate to the Diploma in Women, Gender and Social Justice (60 credits). This is dependent on a large number of students wanting the course. This is a second exciting development for Women’s Studies Outreach. This new diploma programme title reflects the relevance of Social Justice for our students, community partners and funding bodies. Qualifying candidates can progress from the Certificate by banking their 30 earned credits in favour of the higher qualification and taking an additional 30 credits leading to the Diploma award.
Do you provide childcare facilities?
Unfortunately the Loreto Centre no longer provides this service.
How much does the course cost?
Total cost approx. €265 per module for tuition x 4 terms. *Note: This is a subsidised fee reflecting UCD's ethos and institutional commitment to Widening Participation.
This course is part funded by:
The Mary Ward Mission Fund

CDETB City of Dublin Education and Training Board (Crumlin)